The Brew Next Door: Thoughts On Pairing Beer with Life.
The Brew Next Door is the "Joey Potter" of beer blogs - a friendly, approachable look at beer. As a marketer by day and a craft beer aficionado by night, taking a close look at why my friends and I consume the beers that we do is fascinating to me. With so many fantastic options out there, sometimes my most difficult decision of the day is deciding which beer to drink. I know, first world problems. But, from what I've gathered, most of my selections are based on some sort of personal story that I identify with the beer. Or, if there is no story, I'm typically incentivized by the marketing of the beer such as: How cool is the label? Is there spiced chocolate in the description? And, of course, what's the latest beer geek hearsay? The Brew Next Door explores beers and the stories behind them.