My mom picked up a bomber of St. Florian’s Brown Ale to split over a couple of turkey and salami sandwiches during a recent visit to her place for lunch. The beer was good, but the company was even better. You see, St. Florian’s motto is “let’s drink to the hero in all of us.” My mom is my hero, so it was quite fitting that she picked up this particular bottle/brand to split with me that day.
At 6% ABV, St. Florian’s Brown Ale is a great representation of the American brown ale style. In an era of hops, hops, and more hops, I welcomed the relatively new brewery to bring me back to the flavors of when I first fell in love with craft beer - roasted malts with a slight hint of caramel sweetness. Yum! Plus, St. Florian’s donates 5% of its profits to fire-related and community-based organizations. Good beer for a good cause. That’s a #winwin in by book!