Until this clever little Thrillist.com article (Perfect Beer for Every NBA Team) came out, I’ve always associated 21st Amendment with the San Francisco Giants and my dear friend Lisa Copeland. The Giants because 21A is a great place to hit up before a game, and Copeland because she introduced me to Back in Black several years ago. But, I can’t say that I’ve ever linked 21A with the Golden State Warriors until this read. First off, this article is genius. Pairing beer and basketball? Hello, two of my favorite things! I’m a little disappointed that I didn’t write it first myself. It’s a great preview of this year’s NBA season as well as a shout out to a regional brewery for each team. Well done, Thrillist.com.
As a serial beer taster, I must admit that it’s been awhile since I’ve drank my last Back in Black. But, in honor of the just-begun NBA season, I had to toast my 3-0 Dubs this afternoon with their honoree beer. I like the pairing with 21A, but I’m not sure if I would’ve connected the dots myself. If I were to choose, I may have gone with Ale Industries’ Golden State of Mind or perhaps Lagunitas’ Undercover Investigation Shut-Down. Golden State of Mind for obvious reasons and because Ale Industries is just one BART stop away from Oracle Arena. Undercover Shut-Down because the Dubs have been one of the worst defensive teams up until a few years ago. Even as a die-hard fan, it’s still tough to believe the Dubs are one of the best defensive teams in the league who shut down their opponents. But, I better start believing. Even ESPN writer Ethan Sherwood Strauss picked the Dubs to win it all, noting their defense as one of the number one reasons. Clearly, the Don Nelson days of “small ball” to outscore their opponents are long gone.
Back in Black is a delicious black IPA that can easily be found at your local Bay Area grocery store as one of 21A’s three year-round beers. You’ll get the carbonation and high ABV (6.8%) of an IPA but with some of the smoothness and sweetness of a dark-malted stout. Plus, according to the article, the Dubs are back! (Knock on wood)
As a serial beer taster, I must admit that it’s been awhile since I’ve drank my last Back in Black. But, in honor of the just-begun NBA season, I had to toast my 3-0 Dubs this afternoon with their honoree beer. I like the pairing with 21A, but I’m not sure if I would’ve connected the dots myself. If I were to choose, I may have gone with Ale Industries’ Golden State of Mind or perhaps Lagunitas’ Undercover Investigation Shut-Down. Golden State of Mind for obvious reasons and because Ale Industries is just one BART stop away from Oracle Arena. Undercover Shut-Down because the Dubs have been one of the worst defensive teams up until a few years ago. Even as a die-hard fan, it’s still tough to believe the Dubs are one of the best defensive teams in the league who shut down their opponents. But, I better start believing. Even ESPN writer Ethan Sherwood Strauss picked the Dubs to win it all, noting their defense as one of the number one reasons. Clearly, the Don Nelson days of “small ball” to outscore their opponents are long gone.
Back in Black is a delicious black IPA that can easily be found at your local Bay Area grocery store as one of 21A’s three year-round beers. You’ll get the carbonation and high ABV (6.8%) of an IPA but with some of the smoothness and sweetness of a dark-malted stout. Plus, according to the article, the Dubs are back! (Knock on wood)